A new vision for your (working) life
Following the laws of nature is a radical shift from the outdated mechanistic ways of working that dominate today
By following the laws of nature you will achieve your intention. You will feel more confident and capable. This will be reflected in how you move towards achieving the intention. This will absolutely not involve having a plan and a risk register to proactively manage uncertainty.
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It will involve finding your own path, increasingly trusting and believing in yourself. It will involve utilising the unexpected as a source of opportunity; being resourceful and drawing on your own inner resources (your nature).
It will involve becoming emotionally literate, using all of your emotions, especially the painful ones, as a source of data to help guide you towards your next step.
It will involve you becoming more self aware and using that self knowledge to inform how you will act.
It will involve you using criticism, other approaches and comparing your progress to others who appear more ‘successful’ as a useful resource. Increasingly you will recognize the pattern of self doubt and self judgement, sometimes leading to panic and the desire to regain ‘control’.
You draw out what is useful and use it in a way that helps you rather than falling into a negative thought spiral.
It will also involve developing the capability to increase your self awareness and use your emotional literacy to recognize when you need time to recharge and take care of yourself.
The practices that support this capability will be unique to you but are likely to be similar to the Blackbelt Flow Practices described throughout the book.
Over time the societal conditioning will reduce. You will be deprogrammed and will trust yourself more, like yourself and know yourself. You will believe that you are enough and your work is not to ‘fix’ your weaknesses but to welcome and know how to work with your strengths.
You may discover experiences from the past in response to traumatic events (even small, ‘inconsequential’ events) that caused you to put yourself second to keep yourself safe. You may discover that you need to work on your self-esteem. The fact that you have self-esteem issues may well be a surprise to you.
Over time you will be able to reflect and explore what you need and hear the quiet voice within that is your guide. You will recognize the strident, panicking, rational voice that wants to keep you safe but can only do this by attempting to control the outcome.
You will trust your intuition as it leads you, step by step, towards achieving your intention in a quiet, calmer, measured and more peaceful way.
You will recognize feelings of serenity, peace, calm, joyful excitement as indicators of going in the right direction. You will appreciate spending time in the natural world to support you in finding these feelings and in getting the guidance that you need.