It's a bit messy but I have plans...
And the plan is based around an illustration called The Wyrd Tree
So GYOG (that’s Grow Your Own Guru in case that wasn’t obvious!) is a collection of writings at the moment. They are semi-organised and I want to provide a way for the reader to use them that doesn’t lend itself to a linear, start to end type traditional read.
One of the fundamental principles is that you follow your intuition, and go with what attracts you in whatever way (without having to explain or justify to others or yourself).
So how do you reflect this in a book?
Well the idea that came to me was to use an illustration that shows different sections or chapters in the book which would facilitate this.
The centre of this illustration will be something called The Wyrd Tree which I am currently exploring with Ruth who has already contributed a number of nature poems.
Make sense?!
Perhaps the different chapters will appear as ‘fruits’ or a part of the tree or its ecosystem.
Well I’m enjoying the emergent creative process and that was part of what success looked like. The process of book writing was to be enchanting to me.
I also hope the end result will be enchanting to the readers!