Winter emergence
Spring is just around the corner.
Winter can appear to be a dead season. Deciduous trees drop their leaves and make changes to protect themselves from the cold and the risk of freezing.
It is often a time of storms bringing strong winds and flows of water. This can blow trees over but it will also expose branches that are weaker by blowing them off.
My neighbour said he is desparate for some sun.
Our culture tends to devalue Winter (and overvalues Summer), failing to recognize the importance of slowing down, resting and reflecting more deeply. There is also a sense of 'cleaning house' as those storms break off what is weak which, ultimately, makes the tree stronger as it directs resources to the stronger parts.
And, of course, those fallen branches will, over time, be broken down by bacteria and fungus whose genius is as consummate recyclers. It wil not be wasted and no tears will be shed.
I am starting to look forward to this season as I see the opportunity to connect with the seasonal energies and allow parts of myself (usually beliefs) that are not helping me to be blown away by the storms of life.
This Winter I realised I was holding on to a belief that was introducing some victim energies.
Having 'left' the corporate world 5 years ago and having had difficult experiences with a corporate 'mindset' at Net Zero Nation, I was resisting exposing myself to this environment again despite financial needs meaning I couldn't be so selective.
I had an unconscious belief as follows:
Business and work environments are dangerous. The prevailing mechanistic paradigm is dangerous for me.
As a result, I was being overly cautious and selective and this victim energy was, no doubt, impacting my success.
I realised this was the case after some emotionally stormy conversations at home.
After reflection I realised that I didn't believe in this 'system'. I believe in nature which has no such 'de facto' purpose of treating everyone as cogs.
I was failing to reflect my growth over the last few years which has made me more resilient and capable with a much greater understanding of working systems and how to navigate them successfully.
I was, in effect, belittling myself with this belief, suggesting I was weak and vulnerable.
If this story resonates at some level and you find it helpful, I invite you to reflect on this question:
What beliefs are holding you back that emotional storms reveal to you?
If you have already had some wintry insights yourself I would love to hear them!
One section of the book - The Book of Nature's Stories - contains stories such as this to support and normalise the idea of seeing how non-human nature can help us see ourselves more clearly and encourage our development. Eveyone's experience of this is personal so I want to share stories from a wide array of people.
If you would like to share that would be amazing. If you would like to share and have it included in the book and be named as a contributor, that would be even better!
I hope you are well and looking after yourself as Winter starts to give way to Spring