The Book!

This page will show the structure and content of the book as it emerges over time.

Like any growing organism, the early form won’t reflect the final form.

So consider that the seed was planted 3 years ago and this is the seedling (complete with the cotlyedon leaves which are the first leaves and are not true leaves)

The book organisation follows:

Note for (beta) reader

You are welcome to read these in a linear fashion. But… notice how you feel as you progress. You may find yourself getting bored, irritated or confused with what you are reading.

I am trying to simultaneously honour the book and its traditional, linear organisation AND allow you to find your way organically.

In the natural world, structure emerges as it adapts and responds and attunes itself to the local environment and changing conditions.

This is a resource for you use but it needs to be resource efficient.

I am asking you to both find your own way through the book in response to your feelings in a way that you enjoy and give me feedback so the book can grow.

There are also some principles/guidelines/aspirations/qualities that I try to keep in mind for the writing of and reading of this book:

  1. your (working) life is a great adventure

  2. this is a living guide

  3. reading this feels like walking through your favourite space in nature (real or imagined)

  4. feeling of enchantment - for me and you

As you read and listen to the following you may notice you want to get up and do something. This might be accompanied with a eeling of tiredness. If so, I recommend you switch gears and start engaging the rest of your body, your senses and your feelings. Pick one of the blackbelt flow practices.

The Spark…

